Standards & Benchmarks
Reading/Language Arts Standards K-12
The student will...
Standard 1 - use the general skills and strategies of the reading process for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Standard 2 - use the grammatical and mechanical conventions of written language.
Standard 3 - use a variety of print and non-print resources to locate and gather information.
Standard 4 - use the general skills and strategies of the reading process.
Standard 5 - read, interpret, and respond to a variety of literacy and informational texts.
Standard 6 - use speaking and listening strategies for a variety of purposes.
Math Standards K-12
The student will...
Standard 1 - use a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process.
Standard 2 - understand and apply basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers.
Standard 3 - use basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation.
Standard 4 - understand and apply basic and advanced properties of the concepts of measurement.
Standard 5 - understand and apply basic and advanced properties of the concepts of geometry.
Standard 6 - understand and apply basic and advanced concepts of statistics and data analysis.
Standard 7 -understand and apply basic and advanced concepts of probability.
Standard 8 - understand and apply basic and advanced properties of functions and algebra.
Science Standards K-12
The student will...
Standard 1 - understand and apply the skills of scientific inquiry.
Standard 2 - understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the earth and the universe.
Standard 3 - understand and apply concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to life and its interactions.
Standard 4 - understand and apply concepts and theories pertaining to matter, its composition, and the forces that govern it.
Standard 5 - learn how scientific knowledge develops and changes over time.
Standard 6 - understand personal and societal changes and responsibilities that affect health, world resources, and the earth's environment.
Social Studies Standards K-12
The student will...
Standard 1 - understand the impact of culture and cultural diversity.
Standard 2 - understand historical perspectives in relation to time, continuity, and change.
Standard 3 - understand geography through the study of people, places, and environment.
Standard 4 - understand individual human development and identity.
Standard 5 - understand patterns of the interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions.
Standard 6 - understand how people create and change structure of power, authority, and government.
Standard 7 - understand how people organize for the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
Standard 8 - understand the connections between science, technology, and society.
Standard 9 - understand global connections and interdependence.
Standard 10 - understand the ideals, principles, and practices of citizenship in a democratic society.
Music Standards K-12
The student will...
Standard 1 - sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
Standard 2 - perform on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
Standard 3 - improvise melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
Standard 4 - compose and arrange music, within specified guidelines.
Standard 5 - read and notate music.
Standard 6 - listen to, analyze and describe music.
Standard 7 - evaluate music and music performances.
Standard 8 - understand relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
Standard 9 - understand music in relation to history and culture.
Art Standards K-12
The student will...
Standard 1 - understand and apply media, techniques, and processes.
Standard 2 - use knowledge of structures and functions.
Standard 3 - choose and evaluate a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas.
Standard 4 - understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures.
Standard 5 - reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.
Standard 6 - make connections between visual arts and other disciplines.
P.E. Standards K-12
The student will...
Standard 1 - demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 2 - demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3 - participate regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4 - achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Standard 5 - exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Standard 6 - value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.